Saturday, July 10, 2010

Tomorrow and the future....

Tomorrow and the future ~ which comes first ?

This was asked by a friend whom I think was in agony. It could be agonising physical pain , emotional or even mentally in pain and suffering eventhough I do not really know which category of agony he was in.

I was not able to answer his question, but I think that "tomorrows " are always better days . And "the future" will always be a mystery. So I think it does not matter which comes first or will either one of it ever comes or long as we treasure every moment we have.

I was once taught by a very compassionate teacher that anytime you spent with anyone , doesnt matter who it is, we should give all our time and attention to that person only. I never really gave it much thought though as I meet & talk to alot of people daily due to my course of work. Till recently, out of frustration and exhaustion , realising the need to slow down.. It is really fantastic if we could just slow down and just listen.....

to the birds singing..the cars passing by...the other person talking...the rain... my mum's nagging.. my dad repeating his questions over & over... Just listen and give them time.

We try not to be too carried away by the future, but to always be here...
As John Lennon said, "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans".

You are Leonard Jacobson

I love this quote from Leonard J. and would like to share this with everyone and all my friends..It is Beautiful. If everyone practises this , then the world will definitely be a wonderful place to be.. Some may find it deep & profound. How many can actually practise & follow his meanings ? Hope there will be unselfish and unconditional love everywhere..universally, globally...

You are Love

When you are present, you are love, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

You radiate love in the same way that a candle flame radiates light and it has nothing to do with who or what you love. Humanity has become hopelessly lost in love. We lose ourselves in the object of our love and in the process, we lose ourselves. We disconnect from the source of the love, which exists at the very center of our Being. Then we feel a certain kind of emptiness, because we have moved away from the center. We are afraid of the emptiness, and so we relentlessly pursue love outside of ourselves. We want to be loved. We fall in love. We lose ourselves in the object of the love, which takes us further from the center. Eventually, we become so lost in the pursuit of love and all the hope, pain, fear and attachments associated with it, that we can no longer be present. And if we cannot be present, we cannot find our way back to the source of the love, which is at the very center within us.

The truth is that if you love anyone or anything, it simply means that you are love. The one you are loving in the moment might be lovable, but the source of the love is always within you. If another loves you, do not take it too personally. It simply means that the other is love. If I am present and I am love, and you are present and you are love, then why do I need you to love me? Why do you need me to love you? The truth is that we do not need to be loved, for if we are present, we are love. So let us hold hands, and gaze together upon this wondrous world with love.

Love everything. Love the dogs. Love the children. Love the trees. Love your wife or husband. But remember it is because you are love.

~Leonard Jacobson